About Us
Getting Lost in Japan
Getting Lost in Japan was started as a blog to share about life and travel in Japan. The goal is to inspire you to visit and experience more of Japan by highlighting travels, foods, restaurants, culture, local businesses, and specialties of Japan. We also talk about what it’s like to live here by sharing our own experiences and struggles with moving to Japan. By providing you with tips and guides we hope to make your visit or life here easier.
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Site creator / blogger:
Richard Freeman
My name is Richard Freeman, I started working in Japan as an Assistant Language Teacher for three years before moving to Nagoya where i currently live. I arrived in September of 2016 and worked in a public junior high school in a small but amazing town in Okayama prefecture. After that I moved to Nagoya to take a job helping other people have a chance to come to Japan the same way I did. Before moving to Okayama, I did a study abroad at Hiroshima University from 2014 to 2015. While there I developed a love of exploring new places and seeing new things. Now, I spend most of my free time getting lost and going to places I have never been before in Japan.
I started this site as a way to share my experiences in Japan. From the difficulties surrounding the decision to uproot my entire life in America, to the Joys and wonders I experience on a regular basis. I love to explore and try new things.
It is my hope that by sharing my experiences, more people will be inspired to make the leap and visit rural Japan. This is a place with many wondrous things to see and do.